Brown Colored Glasses
A podcast about all things diversity, from a South Asian perspective. Join Yasmin Virani, Nabeela Khalfan, Shama Dharani & Azmeen Rasool as they explore all aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion as it relates to South Asians. On Brown Colored Glasses, you will have the opportunity to discover and challenge how our unique experiences, attitudes and culture as South Asians contributes to our behavior and how we can jointly begin to question ourselves and alter the narrative in a positive manner.
Brown Colored Glasses
Marrying Out: Coz Love IS Color Blind
Yasmin Virani
Season 1
Episode 5
This episode discusses interfaith and interracial marriages within our South Asian community and how and why we tend to shy away from and shun these types of relationships due to the stigmas attached of marrying outside of the community. We also have the opportunity to chat with a happily mixed married couple, Fareena Lalani and Carlos Torruella, who share their story of how they met, the challenges they encountered both internally and externally, as well as the advice they have for parents and others that may be facing the idea of interfaith and interracial marriages in their own close knit cultural circles.